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Ready to (Safely) Return to Pilates in the Grove? Read This!

Ready to (Safely) Return to Pilates in the Grove? Read This!

What a year it has been! It is hard to remember what life was like pre-pandemic, but here at Pilates in the Grove, we all can agree we are ready to get back to “normal,” whatever that looks like now.

As we begin returning to our more regular routines, we think there is no better time to return to Pilates, too! Of course, safety is top of mind for everyone, from our instructors to our studio guests. We want to ensure everyone stays safe and healthy as we begin to return to our normal routines, which is why we want to update on changes we have made at Pilates in the Grove over the last year.

Most of all, we want to remind you

 Our core mission is to create a supportive community that supports you on your path to improved health and wellness — that hasn’t changed! The only thing that has changed are a few minor adjustments to be as COVID-safe as possible. We also moved our SoMi location just a few...

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Top 3 Reasons To Practice Pilates During Pregnancy

Top 3 Reasons To Practice Pilates During Pregnancy

I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve heard “Can I do Pilates when I’m pregnant?” YES! And furthermore– YOU SHOULD!

Here are my top 3 reasons why

1. Improved core strength, especially of your transverse abdominis, can help prevent a diastasis recti.  

This condition is when the rectus abdominal muscle or “6-pack” muscle separates along the lines alba. In all pregnancies there is a thinning and widening of this fascia as the uterus pushes up against the abdominal wall- but in many women this separation widens greater than the normal 2 finger width and becomes problematic from both a function and aesthetic standpoint. The stronger the deepest layer of abdominal musculature is (the transverse abdominis), the more the rectus will be supported and less likely to separate. Pilates focuses on this deep abdominal layer and can help teach you how to engage your TA more...

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Pilates for a Healthy Spine

Pilates for a Healthy Spine

“If your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, you are old; if it is completely flexible at 60, you are young.”

This is probably my favorite Joseph Pilates’ quote. For many of us, the majority of our day is spent sitting at work, walking forward, sitting in the car, sitting on the couch, and lying in bed. If we’re being good we might run, use the elliptical or stair master, or go to a spinning class. All great options but there’s something missing. All the aforementioned activities are in what’s called the “sagittal plane”, where everything is moving forwards and backwards. There is very little side bending or rotation in the spine- or even the extremities.


A healthy spine is able to move in all directions with an appropriate distribution of movement throughout the entire spine. When we focus on only one direction of movement, usually flexion, we lose both flexibility and stability in all...

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Local fitness enthusiast spreads word about benefits of Pilates

fitness news pilates workout Jun 26, 2013

Local fitness enthusiast spreads word about benefits of Pilates

(This article was originally published at Coral Gables News)

Local fitness enthusiast Christa Gurka is dedicated to improving the overall health and wellness of the Miami community, and she is doing so through the exercise known as Pilates.

A Coconut Grove resident, Gurka, coowner of Pilates in the Grove (3316 Virginia St.) and Pilates on the Beach (712 W. 51 St.), has a contagious energy and passion for sharing the physical and mental health benefits of Pilates to people of all ages and fitness levels.



While she has gained notoriety teaching the exercise to a number of Miami-based celebrities, including Miami Heat coach Erik Spoelstra, WNBA player Ruth Riley, pro volleyball player Kelly Schumacher, and pro golfers Cristie Kerr and Natalie Gulbis, Gurka is committed to helping anyone and everyone live their best life.

“Whether your training for a marathon, need to be limber to chase toddlers around...

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