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When My Life Changed

When My Life Changed

I am thankful, grateful, and blessed to have an amazing life.

I was born into a phenomenal family, who showered me with love and support. While my parents never had “tons” of money, they made sure that my life was always comfortable, which made for a fantastic childhood. I had all the things I needed and most of the things I wanted. I was spoiled with love and attention from my parents, grandparents, and other family members. I received a wonderful education from preschool all the way through grad school. I had lots of friends throughout all phases of life. I moved to Miami, continued to have amazing friends in my life, I had a blossoming career as a physical therapist. I bought a condo in Brickell and a new car. I had everything!

BUT. I wasn’t satisfied. Something was missing.

I was introduced to spirituality a few years ago, which was helpful. I began to meditate, I got to know myself better, I felt as though my eyes were much more open. Most...

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The Power of Now

family motivation Aug 03, 2015

The Power of Now

I’m currently reading Eckhart Tolle’s “The Power of Now” and there are so many wonderful, practical messages about how to live a better life and be more present that I wanted to share it with you.

 Even before reading this book, one of my many mini New Years resolutions was to be more present. I would find myself driving to the grocery store on a Sunday thinking about a million things and before I new it I was actually driving to work. My brain had gone into autopilot and I had completely lost focus on the present. For another example of not living in the moment I’m going to call out a friend- you know who you are.  I have a great friend who whenever we got out to lunch is always on the phone- planning her schedule, checking Instagram, texting a friend, etc. – and it drives me crazy. To be honest, I am also guilty of this sometimes, especially with the Instagram… But recognizing the problem is the first...

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The early bird gets the workout

exercise family Jul 14, 2014

The early bird gets the workout

No time for exercise? Here’s a no excuse way to fit in a workout everyday.

Simple math is all it takes to schedule exercise time: cut out one hour of evening TV and set your alarm to wake up 30 min earlier. Presto! You’ve just accomplished two great things for your body; 30 minutes more sleep and 30 minutes available for morning exercise. If you don’t need more sleep you can just adjust the formula. Voila! You now have a full hour to exercise.  But why exercise in the A.M?

“Top Ten Reasons” for getting up with the early birds to get moving:

  1. Exercising early in the morning “jump starts” your metabolism, keeping it elevated for hours, sometimes for up to 24 hours! As a result, you’ll be burning more calories all day long—just because you exercised in the morning.
  2. Exercising in the morning energizes you for the day—not to mention that gratifying feeling of virtue you have knowing...
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