Creative Choreography Rhythm and Flow on the Reformer Workshop with Teri

Calling all Pilates Instructors!

Creative Choreography Rhythm and Flow on the Reformer Workshop with Teri

Calling all Pilates Instructors!

Ever thought of spicing up your reformer classes? Looking to explore new choreography or learn how to design fun and interesting classes? Ready to watch your students come back multiple times per week for years?


If you’re tired of the repetitive traditional class design and want to add a fresh spin on your classes, come join us for a special creative choreography workshop with Teri Seier Moore on Sunday, September 18!

Sunday, September 18, 2022

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Pilates in the Grove
3316 Virginia Street Miami FL 33133

(also available Virtual )

Teri — a Pilates instructor with over 15 years of experience — will cover how to work with various music and rhythms in your Pilates choreography while staying true to our Pilates Principles. Learn how to design an exciting class with a distinct flow from beginning, middle, to end that’ll have your students coming back for more!


Here's what we'll cover..

The Structure

The Art of the Flow

It’s a Wrap

Ready to add a fresh take on your Pilates class choreo? Register to get access to this workshop! Plus earn 2 NCPT CEC's


Come to our Coconut Grove studio and learn from Teri in a small group setting.

She’ll walk you through reformer flows, choreography planning, and more.

After the training ends, you’ll also get free access to the recordings.

In-person attendees are expected to bring their Pilates socks, water, etc. No food or beverage will be provided.



Stream this training from anywhere in the world.

Teri will walk you through reformer flows, choreography planning, and more.

After the training ends, you’ll also get free access to the recordings.

Live-streaming attendees will have time to ask questions. Please remain muted unless asking a question.


This weekend, we’re also offering a Special Populations Workshop, where you can learn more about anatomy, biomechanics, pathologies, and injuries to deepen your understanding of a variety of conditions – such as pregnancy, fibromyalgia, heart disease, or injuries — so you can practice in a way that feels comfortable and safe for each one. 


  • Sunday, September 17, 2022
  • 11:00 am -6:00 pm


On it’s own, this Special Populations Training is $399 for in-person or live-streaming. OR you can buy your ticket to both trainings for just $448 more.

This workshop is also available for 7 NCPT CEC's and qualifies for PT CEC's as well. 

Get BOTH workshops for just $448