Get yourself moving and feeling better with our 4-POINT CHECK UP

Are you still dealing with that same old back pain, knee pain, stiff joints, muscle tension or just feel like you could be feeling better?


Hating that you can't perform as well in your favorite fitness class or on the tennis court?


Don’t let another year go by while you’re dealing with that kind of discomfort! We want to help you find ways to move that feel good, keep you healthy, and address your unique body’s needs.


That’s why at Pilates in the Grove we offer  our signature 4-POINT CHECK UP with our Doctors of Physical Therapy.


What is a 4-POINT CHECK UP?

The 4-POINT CHECK UP is a bi-annual, 60 minute, one-on-one session with a doctor of physical therapy at Pilates in the Grove, Coconut Grove. It's your personalized check in with a board certified movement expert—so that you can keep moving without getting derailed by avoidable health hiccups.

Book your 4-POINT CHECK UP today!

This unique and innovative examination is designed to help you stay informed about your bodies, movement, strength, and overall well-being so that you can actually understand what is going on and do something about it if needed. We make sure you get clear on your current health and fitness status and develop the best action steps for better wellness throughout your lifespan.

Why Schedule an Annual Check-Up With
a Physical Therapist?

You seem pretty responsible. You probably even see your dentist two or three times a year. In fact, you probably still see your dentist twice a year even if your teeth are generally healthy. Why? Because you want to keep them that way—and because you know that a small upfront investment in your oral health can save you a lot of time, money, and energy in the future. 


Yeah. It's like that. (Except we won't clean your teeth.) 

What we will do is take you through a battery of thoughtfully curated tests to help you develop a comprehensive picture of your musculoskeletal and neurological systems as they are now and over time.


The 4-point Screen

  1. Subjective Screen

  2. Movement Screen

  3. Neurologic Screen

  4. Balance Screen

We value our time—so we won't waste yours.


Discover what one hour can reveal about your physical health and fitness.

Our 4-POINT CHECK UP is ideal for any adult who is ready to:

  1. Take a look "under the hood" in order to identify possible issues before they become bigger problems (stop arthritis and degeneration before it starts) 

  2. Systematically monitor fitness and mobility over time and make appropriate modifications to maximize function and independence (keep your strength up as your muscles naturally atrophy with age (aka..hello menopause))

  3. Skip the downtime, headaches, and added expenses of doctors visits for pain that can be avoided  

  4. Mitigate injuries that are 100% avoidable by knowing what could cause them before they actually happen (stop the back pain before it starts by keeping your hips moving better)

  5. Stop relying only on "reactive" treatments and focus instead on proactive wellness Grow older with greater peace of mind! (don’t wait until your knee pain is so bad you can’t go up the stairs anymore). 

Ready to Schedule Your 4-POINT CHECK UP?

It's time to stop thinking about your friendly local PT as the person you call only after you're already in pain. The Pilates in the Grove team is here to support you at every and any stage of your health and fitness journey so that you remain as pain-free and mobile as possible.


Call or text us at 305-446-6899, or send us an email at [email protected] to schedule your 3 Point Check Up today!