Claudia Villarreal received a Bachelors in Social Work and has postgrad studies in PR and Marketing. In her native Mexico, she worked in the education sector and automotive industry for many years.

Claudia started practicing Pilates to recover from her pregnancy 15 years ago and immediately fell in love with the method.

Through the years she has been an avid fitness enthusiast practicing cross-fit, running, kick boxing and  Pilates was always there to complement and help recover from the more high impact  activities.

After becoming an advance Pilates student, she enrolled in the Core Advancement Teacher Training Program at Pilates in the Grove to enhance her own practice. Throughout the program she discovered a passion for teaching and  is now equally passionate to help others accomplish their fitness goals.

Claudia is a firm believer that Pilates is for everyone. She uses the Pilates method to complement her 15 year old son’s basketball training, as well, she teaches Pilates to her 86 year old mom to keep her flexible and strong.

Claudia has a passion for traveling and exploring new cultures. She enjoys cooking and entertaining. She loves long walks, biking and paddle boarding.

After 450 hours of training and an apprenticeship with Marilyn Mardini and Christa Gurka, Claudia is very happy to become part of the Pilates in the Grove team and do what she loves every day.


Favorite thing to eat for breakfast 

2 sunny side up eggs, sliced tomato, toasted baguette and a bowl of fruit.


I don’t leave home without…

Travel mug and tea bags.


If Joseph Pilates were alive today what would you ask him or have him teach you? 

I would ask him what does he think of his method being better known as Pilates than Contrology.

I would ask him to teach me  the head harness.


What qualities do you admire in a teacher? 

Patience and creativity.


Top 3 places you have traveled? Top 3 places you would like to travel? 

I loved Iceland, Thailand and Spain

I’d like to travel to South Africa, Cambodia and Turkey


How would you describe your fashion style? 



3 things you would grab in a fire? 

Only my hard disc containing pictures.


Top 3 things on your bucket list? 

I don’t have one


When was your Pilates a-ha moment? 

Discovering the Psoas


Favorite Blog?


Favorite Book? 

100 años de Soledad/ Hundred Years of Solitude


Favorite quote? 

“I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that’s how you grow. When there’s that moment of ‘Wow, I’m not really sure I can do this,’ and you push through those moments, that’s when you have a breakthrough.” – Marissa Mayer


How has Pilates changed your body? Your outlook? 

Pilates keeps my neck and shoulders pain free and It keeps me strong and flexible.


I am an expert in…

Making tortillas from scratch.


On any Saturday night you will most likely find me at…

If I am not driving my teenage son from or to a party, you’ll find me at the movies.


What is the funniest thing you have ever heard in the studio? 

I told the class we were doing swimming and before I had the chance to set up the exercise a client asked if I wanted them  to do breast stroke or butterfly stroke.

A client said out loud as I was guiding his/her form while doing Peter Pan,  “I hope I don’t fart”.


What has been your biggest teaching blunder? 

I was teaching tower and as I was warning the clients to be careful with the bar, I extended my arms and bump my elbow… on the bar. I said “this is just a demonstration of what can happen to you”.